Thursday, July 24, 2008

Living Green: The Solaire

As many of you may know, my boyfriend Duncan and I live in a building that is considered NYC's greenest. It is called The Solaire and is located in Battery Park City. We haven't always been super-greenies. We used to live in the West Village in an apartment that was extremely energy inefficient (read: falling apart). Watch the video below to see my building, my boyfriend and my dog Peanut who is also very passionate about being green!

PS- don't freak out...our rent is no where near the $7,000 a month "average" they mention at the end. Our rent is actually cheaper than any other "non-green" option in the area and because of all of the green features, we save on things like: water, electricity and washing our clothes.


Unknown said...

duncans on the news again?? you know holding peanut and calling you his "partner" makes him sound pretty gay